Continuing the Journey: Exploring Cybersecurity with Python

Welcome back to the second installment of my blog series on cybersecurity with Python! If you haven’t read the first blog . I highly recommend starting there to get an overview of the project and my goals.

In the previous blog post, we embarked on a journey to develop multiple articles within this project, with a focus on cybersecurity. We explored various aspects such as Python integration, network penetration testing, and web scraping. The response and engagement from the readers were phenomenal, and I’m excited to continue sharing valuable insights and practical examples in this ongoing series.

In this second blog post, we will build upon the foundation we laid in the first blog and dive deeper into the realm of cybersecurity using Python. We will explore advanced topics and techniques that will empower you to develop your own tools and applications within this domain.

Throughout this series, we will be leveraging the power of Python and various Python libraries to tackle real-world cybersecurity challenges. We’ll delve into topics like secure coding practices, vulnerability analysis, threat intelligence, and much more. I’ll be sharing my experiences, insights, and recommended resources to help you expand your knowledge and enhance your skills.

Whether you are a cybersecurity enthusiast, a professional looking to level up your skills, or simply curious about the intersection of Python and cybersecurity, this blog series has something for you. By the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped with practical knowledge and tools to tackle cybersecurity challenges using Python.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the exciting world of cybersecurity with Python and continue our exploration. I’m thrilled to have you on board, and I look forward to sharing this enriching journey with you.

Setting Up a Laboratory Environment on Arch Linux

In this blog post, we will learn how to set up a laboratory environment on Arch Linux by installing Python and pip. Python is a widely used programming language, and pip is a package manager used for managing Python packages.

Step 1: Updating System Packages

Before we begin setting up the laboratory environment, it is recommended to update the system packages. This ensures that we have the latest updates for Arch Linux. Open the terminal and run the following command:

sudo pacman -Syu

Step 2: Installing Python and pip

Python and pip are available in the official Arch Linux repositories. To install Python, use the following command in the terminal:

sudo pacman -S python

This command will install the latest version of Python on your system.

Next, install pip by running the following command:

sudo pacman -S python-pip

This command will install the pip package and its dependencies.

Step 3: Verifying the Installation

To confirm that Python and pip have been successfully installed, you can use the following commands:

To check the Python version, enter:

python –version

To check the pip version, enter:

pip –version


By following these steps, you can set up a laboratory environment on Arch Linux by installing Python and pip. With this environment, you can develop Python-based projects and manage the required packages.

Good luck with your laboratory environment setup!

Install Virtualbox and Virtualbox Extension on Arch Linux

Add the official Arch Linux repository for VirtualBox. Open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo pacman -S virtualbox

  1. Download the VirtualBox Extension Pack. The Extension Pack adds additional features (USB 2.0/3.0 support, virtual USB devices, virtual disk encryption, etc.) to VirtualBox.
  2. Go to the official Oracle VirtualBox website:
  3. Under the latest version, find the download link for “VirtualBox extension pack” under the “All supported platforms” heading and download it.

Once the installation is complete, you can launch VirtualBox by running the following command in the terminal:


You can now use VirtualBox on your Arch Linux system.

How to download the Kali Linux VirtualBox image

  1. Visit the official Kali Linux website:
  2. On the downloads page, scroll down to the “Virtual Images” section.
  3. Choose the appropriate VirtualBox image for your system. Kali Linux provides both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Select the one that matches your system’s architecture.
  4. Click on the download link for the VirtualBox image. This will start the download process.
  5. Once the Kali Linux VirtualBox image download is complete, locate the downloaded file on your computer.
  6. Open VirtualBox and click on the “New” button to create a new virtual machine.
  7. In the Virtual Machine creation wizard, provide a name for the virtual machine and select the appropriate operating system type and version. For Kali Linux, choose “Linux” as the type and select the version that matches the downloaded VirtualBox image.
  8. Allocate the desired amount of memory (RAM) for the virtual machine.
  9. When prompted to create a virtual hard disk, select “Use an existing virtual hard disk file” and browse for the Kali Linux VirtualBox image file you downloaded.
  10. Complete the virtual machine creation process by following the remaining steps in the wizard.
  11. Once the virtual machine is created, select it from the VirtualBox Manager and click on the “Start” button to launch the Kali Linux virtual machine.

That’s it!

Install JetBrains Toolbox and PyCharm Community Edition on Arch Linux

  1. Open a terminal on your Arch Linux system.
  2. Install the yay AUR helper if you haven’t already. Run the following command in the terminal:

sudo pacman -Syu –needed base-devel git
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si

This will install yay on your system, which allows you to easily install packages from the AUR.

yay -S jetbrains-toolbox

Once the installation is complete, you can launch JetBrains Toolbox from the applications menu or by running jetbrains-toolbox


  1. The JetBrains Toolbox interface will launch in the terminal. It will display a list of available JetBrains IDE’s and tools.
  2. Scroll through the list or use the search function to find “PyCharm Community Edition”.
  3. Once you locate “PyCharm Community Edition”, simply click on it.
  4. JetBrains Toolbox will handle the installation process automatically. It will download and install PyCharm Community Edition for you.
  5. Once the installation is complete, you can close JetBrains Toolbox in the terminal.
  6. You can now launch PyCharm Community Edition from the applications menu or by searching for it in the system.

That’s it! By using the jetbrains-toolbox command in the terminal, you can open JetBrains Toolbox and easily install PyCharm Community Edition with just a single click.

Download Metasploitable 2

  • Download the Metasploitable 2 virtual machine image from the official website.

Set executable permissions:

  • Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where the downloaded file is located.
  • Run the following command to make the file executable:

chmod +x filename

Unzip the file:

  • Run the following command to unzip the file:

unzip filename

Open VirtualBox:

  • Launch Oracle VM VirtualBox, the virtualization software you have installed on your system.
  • Create a new virtual machine:
  • Click on the “New” button to create a new virtual machine.
  • Enter a name for the virtual machine, such as “Metasploitable 2”.
  • Select the appropriate options, such as operating system (Debian) and version (64-bit).
  • Click “Next” to proceed.

Configure settings:

  • Adjust the settings according to your system resources and preferences.
  • In the “Storage” section, select the SATA controller and click on the icon to add a new disk.
  • Choose the “Choose/Create a disk” option and navigate to the location of the downloaded Metasploitable 2 VMDK file.
  • Click “OK” to confirm the disk selection.

Start the virtual machine:

  • Close the settings window and click “Start” to boot up the Metasploitable 2 virtual machine.

Login to Metasploitable 2

  • After a short while, the login screen of Metasploitable 2 will appear.
  • Enter the username as “msfadmin” and the password as “msfadmin” to log in.

That’s it! You have now successfully downloaded, installed, and logged into the Metasploitable 2 virtual machine.

Kali Linux: Keeping Your System Current

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

PyCharm Community Download on Kali Linux

  • Download PyCharm Community on JetBrains Official Website

sudo tar xzf filename.tar.gz -C /opt
sudo ln -s /opt/pycharm-community-2023.1.2/bin/ /usr/local/bin/pycharm

  • The first command sudo tar xzf filename.tar.gz -C /opt extracts the contents of a tarball file (filename.tar.gz) to the /opt directory. It uses sudo to run the command with administrative privileges.


The second command sudo ln -s /opt/pycharm-community-2023.1.2/bin/ /usr/local/bin/pycharm creates a symbolic link between the PyCharm executable (/opt/pycharm-community-2023.1.2/bin/ and the /usr/local/bin/pycharm location. This allows you to run PyCharm from the terminal using the pycharm command.

VSCode Download on Kali Linux#

  • Download vscode official website deb package.

chmod +x filename
sudo apt install ./filename

That’s it.


I invite you to join me on this exciting adventure as we dive deeper into the realm of cybersecurity with Python. Stay tuned for the upcoming blog posts where we’ll explore advanced topics and discover new ways to leverage Python for cybersecurity applications.

Thank you for your continued support, and I’m excited to have you on this enriching journey!

Sincerely, Founder of orioninsist

Follow the white rabbit.

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I am excited to share more content with you through these platforms and I value your engagement and feedback. Thank you once again for your support. Let’s stay connected and keep the conversation going!

Your feedback and engagement mean the world to me. Thank you once again for your unwavering support. Let’s continue to “follow the white rabbit” and discover new horizons together!

Best regards,

Murat Kurkoglu
Founder of orioninsist

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