
Linux’s power lies in its command-line interface, and mastering essential commands is key to becoming proficient. In this article, we’ll explore a set of vital Linux commands, shortcuts for popular editors (neovim, vim, and emacs), and delve into file permissions. We’ll also guide you on how to add popular plugins step by step.

Learn essential shortcuts and how to install popular plugins for neovim, vim, and emacs.

Creating and Modifying Files

touch a.txt: Create an empty file.
chmod +x a.txt: Add execute permission to a file.
chmod 777 a.txt: Set read, write, and execute permissions for all users.
chmod 776 a.txt: Set read, write, and execute permissions for owner and group.

Running Bash Scripts

./bashscript: Execute a bash script.
bash bashscript: Run a bash script.

Understanding Environment Variables

echo $PATH: Display the system's PATH environment variable.
bash bashscript (with arguments):
echo $1 $2: Access and display command line arguments.
echo helloworlddddddddddd: Output a simple message.
echo "hello": Output a message with quotes.

Working with Files and Searching

sudo pacman -S mlocate: Install the 'mlocate' package.
which locate: Find the location of the 'locate' command.
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin: Add a directory to the PATH environment variable.
source ~/.zshrc: Refresh the shell configuration.
find ~/ -name "example.txt": Search for a file by name.
grep -rl "search_string" /path/to/search: Recursively search for a string in files.
sudo updatedb: Update the 'locate' database.

Understanding File Permissions

Learn about file permissions and their meanings, as displayed by the 'ls -l' command.


By mastering these essential Linux commands, shortcuts for popular editors, and understanding file permissions, you’ll become a more effective and capable Linux user.